The golf clubs have got to be more imaginative in their membership offerings.The majority of players do not want or can afford to have so called 7 day membership to only play on a Saturday or a Sunday. I for example can only play on a Tuesday and Thursday so why join a golf club when I can play anywhere I want for a lot less money. This why the “floating golfer†is taking advantage of cheap green fees to play other golf courses.
They also have to be more family friendly. Go to the continent and see the families at the golf clubs it is part of the social scene. The clubs have to make themselves part of the community and play an active role in the local society.
Advertising cheap memberships does not create new golfers it just steals them from other clubs. sure there will be clubs that can take a high handed approach but for the majority it is literally Sink Or Swim We have to get rid of the old style “fuddy duddyâ€, “must maintain Standards†attitude that prevails at a lot of golf clubs. Dress codes that
are so out of synch with the rest of modern society. How many men in all walks of life never wear a tie with a suit these days it is seen everywhere.
I had a friend who would not wear short sleave shirts because he had tattoos on his arms and he felt that these were looked down on by the membership at his club.
It is not enough just to encourage Junior golfers they have to be made welcome and part of the fabric of the club.
Until the clubs embrace this modern world they will continue to die. I think that the time a round takes is a red herring the clubs have just got to be more accommodating as to when players want to play their golf. I also believe that the †2 for1″ promotions while looking good for the clubs has killed revenue and encouraged golfers from being club members. A change in attitude will bring a change in fortune for the average golf club.